
Showing posts from 2017

Pre-Season Planter Maintenance Tips

Ensuring the proper seed depth, seed spacing and seed-to-soil contact is critical to the performance of your planter and ultimately the success of your harvest. If one kernel of corn out of 12 doesn’t emerge it could mean a loss of $12,000 on 500 acres. We have re-published this 13-point checklist for planter maintenance with the permission of Professor Duiker at Penn State University. 13-Point Planter Maintenance Checklist Meters. Metering units have to work well or you’ll get frequent skips, doubles and triples. To guarantee optimal performance, take metering units apart every winter. Remove dirt and clean the hood with soapy water (no kerosene, diesel or oil should ever be used in metering units!). Replace cracked plastic covers. Replace broken fingers in a finger-pickup meter. Seed brushes need to be replaced when worn. If a groove has formed in the chromium house of the metering unit it is time to replace it. The belt (in finger pick-up meters) should be flexible, ...

Guide to Choosing A Tractor Shop Manual

Which Tractor Shop Manual Do I Need? There are several types and brands of manuals for servicing, operating and parts referencing that all come under the general title of “shop manuals”. When acquiring a manual it’s necessary to know which manual you need for your purpose. Here’s a quick guide to the types of manuals sold by All States Ag Parts   Parts Manuals High Quality Reproductions of the Original Factory Version Parts manuals have expanded views of each part on the tractor or piece of equipment. Numbered pictures give you great detail on assembly and disassembly. One purpose of a parts manual is to provide you with pictures labeled with part numbers. These part numbers will help you avoid costly and time consuming errors when ordering parts.      A parts manual can also help in the assembly and disassembly of components. A service manual, after telling you how to disassemble a part, in detail, will simply say “reassemble”. If you have your PTO...