Pre-Harvest Combine Maintenance Tips
Fall harvest is around the corner. Before you hit the field, give your combine a once-over with this 12-point checklist. Clean the machine of dust and dirt for better operation and to help spot wear and potential problems. Attach headers to combine and make sure they are opperational, checking height and contour controls. On the grain table header, inspect sickle blades and guards, inspect teeth in augers and reel. On the corn head, inspect gathering chains, sprockets and adjust width of stripper plates. Check and adjust drive chains. Remember: Row-unit gearboxes operate as mini-transmissions and need to be checked once a year. Refill with grease or oil depending on age and brand of corn head. Check all belts for wear and replace as needed. Check all chains and bearings for wear; replace chains that can’t be adjusted or tensioned correctly. For axial combines, inspect rotor and concave, checking wires for damage and bars for wear. Check unloading system auger. If edges a...